My Interview with DPI
Dearest Farm-ily,
I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Corey Hague from the DPI (Department of Primary Industries), Young Farmer Business Program Podcast. I was recommended to him as someone who is doing things differently...Quite accurate on many levels if you know me personally :)
The episode has recently been released, and is available on the DPI website below:
Episode 6 - Propogate: Sheia Kalima Kironn
It is when I do these media interviews, and take time to communicate what it is that I do as a local farmher, and what is required to run a local farm business, I realise how important it is to share what I know. I'm working on a few projects at the moment whilst I'm not in production...more on those soon... :)
I am continuing to look for the right site to move my farm too...I have been very fortunate to be offered one, with an awesome landowner that would work for me, however, it is a little far away for my families current logistics. So, I am staying open to other opportunities, and I would love your help to spread the word, and let people know.
If you know of a landowner / business that may be interested in leasing land, to a local farmher, please share the link - Farm Opportunity. Thankyou!
Growing has taught me that there is a time for everything in the seasons, and cycles of life, which I also observe closely in my own personal journey. As circumstances change for me, I've learned to surrender and trust in nature, and timing, just the same way, that we do as farmers....all ongoing lessons of mine.
I'm making the best of my time now, studying, creating, resting, retreating, rejuvenating, connecting with friends, being with my teens, until opportunity shifts me into a new season in life :)
From my heart to yours,
sheia x