FREE Autumn Planting Guide for the Sub-Tropics
Dearest Farm-ily,
Well times are certainly changing fast with the paradigm shift of the virus hitting home for many of us, and the fragility of our situations coming into sharp focus.
Many people including myself, have lost all their work and income, due to the global economic shutdown, in an effort to contain Covid-19.
We are experiencing food shortages, as distribution systems are challenged due to panic buying.
It is frustrating for me as a farmher, without a farm...I am currently looking for a new farm site, so am not in production at this time, when I could be ensuring local food security for this region :(
However, I have a good deal of faith and trust, that these circumstances are exactly what is required for people to see and value, local, organic farms, and create more opportunities for us to supply and provide for our communities sustainably.
I am being contacted by our community, who feel concerned about our lack of food sovereignty here in Nth NSW, and who want to provide for themselves and their loved ones.
This happens to be my area of expertise :)
I came into market farming as a single mum...I wanted to provide the freshest, organic produce for my children, though I found that I just could not afford it :(
So me being me...dug up the front yard...and every other available garden bed, and started growing food to feed myself, my friends and neighbours, and then went on to become a commercial grower.
Over the years, I have discovered many ways to increase my success, have great yields, and an abundant supply ALL year round, rather than the glut and famine situation that most veggie beds cycle through :))
I am now offering an online home veggie consultation (until physical distancing has ended), at a reduced rate, to assist you to create a resilient, practical food production system at your place, that you can rely on, and easily maintain.
For more info, and to make a booking.
I have also created a FREE Autumn planting guide to assist you planning your gardens this season. To receive please see here
From my heart to yours,
sheia x