Lifeforce Farm 2.0

Dearest Farmily,


So sorry I've not been in contact!
 I have now moved my house, and my farm to my new location near Murwillumbah - phew! I feel relieved for it to be over, and I feel myself slowly landing has been chaotic, though that seems to be the theme of 2020, and I know that many of you are experiencing uncertainty.

However, I feel excited about re-building my farm, and I am now beginning. I am planning to be back in commercial production before the end of this year.

A good deal of planning, and organising goes into running a profitable Market Farm...including building the physical farm infrastructure, as well as the small business requirements, and compliance with certification and food safety, and talking to my buyers, and customers.

I feel very grateful to be building a new farm, as I am now an experienced farmher...I am more clear about the logistics, and optimal work flow for my farm, so can design it to be more efficient to work in :)

My first cropping block has been mowed, and ripped, and is now under an enormous tarp being solarised, in preparation for building my beds. My compost has arrived, so all is on track :)

I am going to also be utilising market garden beds between the tree rows in Scott Hall's Syntropic Farm. This will be an exciting experiment bringing our 2 forms of production together, we can't wait to see how it will work!

This week we are building footings for my packing shed, and beginning construction of my greenhouses, in between delivering coaching calls :))

Spring is just around the corner now...I'll be planting my summer crops and flowers within the next month (our last frost date is typically end of August).

So, now is a great time to get into your gardens to weed, and clear them out of the last of your autumn/winter crops in preparation for spring planting.

I will also be supporting a series of Syntropic Agriculture workshops, with Scott Hall, teaching the basics (and more advanced), in a variety of courses in our living classroom farm :) So, if you are interested in learning about Syntropic Agroforestry, or furthering your skills, here is your opportunity!

The first courses will be kicking off Sep 19th 2020.
For expressions of interest:

From my heart to yours,

sheia x

Sheia Kalima Sethi

Organic Regenerative Agriculture Consultant and commercial farmer with over 10yrs experience with Farm production, Farm Mgmt, Supply chain Mgmt, Audits, Business Strategy and Digital Marketing

Building A Sustainable Local Food System & Food Sovereignty


I’ve Found A New Farm :)